African violets are among my favorite indoor flowering plants. Thanks to their fuzzy leaves and compact clusters of striking flowers. Growing and caring for African violets is a no-brainer. But African violet leaves curling can make you freak.
So, why are my African violets leaves curling? The potential causes are cold drafts, pest infestations, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, low humidity, under-watering, overwatering, root-bound issue, natural traits, and many other problems.
The information in this article will help you understand more about the African violet leaves curling problem. Keep reading to facilitate healthy African violet leaves. But leaf curling can be normal depending on the type of African violet plant.

Reasons for African Violet Leaves Curling
African violet curled leaves can be heart-breaking for beginners. But there is no need to raise concern since this article will help you identify the exact cause and solution. Below are a few reasons for African violet leaves curling upward or downward:
Too Cold Temperature
African violets are tropical flowering plants that can thrive at room temperature. These plants prefer a temperature range of 65-75oF (18-24oC) during the day and 60oF (16oC) at night.
Any indoor temperature below 55oF (13oC) will make your African violet leaves curl downwards. The leaves will also become fuzzier and brittle than normal.
I recommend investigating the problem with a digital thermometer and moving your favorite plant to a warmer indoor space. Use a heat lamp or grow lights to provide additional warmth.
Besides that, keep your houseplant away from any sources of cold drafts. Avoid growing African violets near windowsills during the winter season.
Pest Infestations
Insect infestation is another cause of leaves curling on African violet plants. These sap-sucking creatures drain nutrients from the leaves and damage vital tissues.
These pests cause leaves drooping and curling problems. I recommend investigating the leaves to identify the exact mite causing the leaf problem on your African violet.
Getting rid of pest infestations can be a daunting and intimidating experience. The golden rule is to isolate the plant to prevent spreading to the neighboring houseplants.
Use horticultural soap or neem oil spray to kill the mealybugs and aphids. These are the common mites that attack African violet plants. Inspect the houseplant during watering for the mites.
Direct Sunlight Exposure
African violets hail from the tropical forest in Tanzania. These plants grow under the canopy and can tolerate low light conditions.
Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight will result in leaves browning on edges, drying, and curling upwards. African violet curled leaves reduce the surface area for water loss.
I recommend moving the houseplant to a spot receiving bright indirect sunlight. Always give the plant adequate water and resolve the leaf curling problem.
If the condition persists, your African violet plant will droop and die. Use artificial lighting instead of direct natural light to avoid leaf curling problems.
Root Rot due to Overwatering
Root rot due to overwatering is the leading cause of African violet leaves curling downwards. It occurs due to poor soil drainage and lack of drainage holes on the pot.
Downward leaves curling is the early symptom of root rot. Other signs of root rot are yellowing and browning of leaves. African violet roots are sensitive to damp environments.
I recommend re-potting to a fresh potting mix and pot. Trim the affected roots with a sterilized blade and discard them. Remember to provide the ultimate African violet care regime.
Dispose of the houseplant if the root rot symptoms persist. The curling leaves will begin to turn brown and soften. Take the time to read about how to save an overwatered African violet.
Dry Soil due to Under-watering
Inconsistent watering habit is another reason behind the leaves curling upwards. African violet plants thrive well in relatively moist potting soil.
The moisture keeps the houseplant hydrated and happy throughout the year. Poke your index finger in 2-3 inches of topsoil to determine the soil moisture level.
If the topsoil is dry, soak it to rehydrate your favorite houseplant. The water uptake will resolve the plant leaves curling problem.
Schedule a strict watering regime to prevent the potting soil from drying. Add free-draining compost to the potting soil to hold relative moisture and boost fertility.
Leaf Types of African Violet Plants
Some African violet varieties have curled leaves naturally. But there are a few different types of African violets with curly leaves.
Get all crucial information about your African violet plant to enhance ultimate care. The tips will help clear your concern about the curling leaves.
The golden rule is to investigate the reason behind the plant curling leaves. It will help make sure that this is a normal process when raising your African violet.
Root-Bound Problem
African violet plants with root-bound issues experience limp and droop leaves. The roots will also show on the topsoil and grow out of the drainage holes beneath the pot.
The compact soil due to roots entanglement will inhibit water and nutrients uptake. The potting mix condition will affect the African violet’s overall health and leaves.
I recommend transplanting the houseplant to fresh potting soil and a slightly larger pot. It will help resolve the African violet curled leaves.
Develop the habit of re-potting African violet every six months during springtime. The technique will help to avoid symptoms associated with root-bound issues.
Lack of Humidity
The native habitat of African violets has a high humidity level. The warm and humid environment keeps the houseplant happy regardless of the season.
Indoor humidity is highly susceptible to fluctuation. The houseplant parent needs to replicate the native habitat growing conditions at home.
The low indoor humidity level is the reason behind the plant’s curling leaves. The condition can also cause African violet drooping and dying.
Use an electric humidifier to increase the indoor humidity. Another excellent option is to mist the African violet leaves more often. Ensure there is proper air circulation to avoid pest infestations.
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Related Questions
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Brown?
Over-fertilization, inappropriate watering regime, and direct sunlight exposures are the few reasons behind African violet leaves turning brown.
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Pink?
The pink leaves on your African violet are due to genetic instability issues. Other possible causes are sudden temperature changes and water quality.
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning White?
Powdery mildew is the white substance on the African violet leaves. It is a fungal disease common on many houseplants. The outbreak is more often during winter and early spring. (Source: Lowa State University).
Final Word
African violet leaf problems are inevitable and treatable. If you notice African violet leaves curling, do not freak out.
Take the time to investigate the plant to identify the exact cause and adopt the appropriate measures to fix it. Feel free to share the African violet leaf problems pictures in the comment.
Use the information mentioned above to resolve the African violet leaf problems. Take the time to read my article about How to Care for African Violet Plant at Home.
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