I started growing and caring for African violets about five years ago. It has been an exciting and enjoyable experience so far. However, I have struggled with several leaf problems despite providing the ultimate African violet care regime.
So, why are my African violet leaves turning brown? The possible causes are direct sunlight exposure, extreme temperature changes, inappropriate watering, and over-fertilization. Dry air, pests, and diseases are minor causes of brown African violet leaves.
If the leaves of your African violet plant begin to turn brown, consider adjusting the current environmental factors. The information in this article highlights techniques of identifying the exact cause of brown leaves on African violets and their respective solutions.
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Reasons for African Violet Leaves Turning Brown
Handling brown leaves on the African violet plant is a no-brainer task since it involves environmental factors adjustment to suit the African violets growing requirements. But reviving African violet leaves drying up can be an intimidating experience.
The golden rule is to troubleshoot your houseplant and identify the exact cause of leaves turning brown. The information will help in adopting measures to correct the leaf problems. Below are the reasons for brown leaves on African violet with their respective fixing tips.
Prolonged Direct Sunlight Exposure
African violets prefer bright indirect sunlight to thrive well. The houseplant can also tolerate low light though it will experience stunted growth and yellow African violet leaves.
African violet burned leaves are due to direct sunlight exposure. The African violet sunburn leaves ruin the plant’s general appearance.
I recommend relocating the houseplant to a spot that receives bright indirect sunlight. Place your African violet plant near the window with sheers and curtains to reduce sunlight intensity.
Another option is to grow and care for African violets under artificial lighting. It will reduce the stress of dealing with scorched or burned leaves from the sun.
Remember to trim the brown bottom leaves to help the plant conserve energy and food. Besides that, water your houseplant according to its requirement.
Over-fertilization Issues
African violets are among a few tropical plants that require little fertilizer nutrients. These nutrients help facilitate vegetative growth and flowering.
Most African violet varieties are sensitive to fertilizer ingredients. Brown leaf tips and edges on African violets are due to over-fertilization.
Over-feeding your African violets is toxic and can even kill them. Brown spots on leaves and wilting plants are other symptoms of over-fertilization.
I recommend flushing the potting mix with distilled water to leach the excess fertilizer salt. The technique will help resolve the browning African violet leaves.
Another option is to use homemade fertilizer for houseplants to avoid the over-feeding problem. The organic fertilizer releases nutrients slowly in the potting mix.
Be sure to read my guide on How to Make Homemade Fertilizer for Houseplants. It will relieve you from the hassle of flushing the potting soil every three months.
Lack of Humidity
African violets hail from the tropical Usambara Mountains of Tanzania, with humidity levels ranging from 70-80%. The relative humidity makes this houseplant happy and healthy.
But this tropical flowering plant can also tolerate indoor humidity. Ensure the indoor humidity does not go below 50%.
Low humidity increases the transpiration rate that dehydrates the plant. Prolonged exposure to dry air will make African violet leaves turn brown.
Use an electric humidifier to boost the humidity level around the plant and combat the leaves turning brown. Another option is to group African violets to increase humidity between them.
Avoid misting the leaves in a poorly ventilated room to prevent bacterial or fungal leaf spots and pest infestation. Ensure the houseplants experience proper air circulation under high humidity.
Root Rot due to Overwatering
The root systems of African violets are sensitive to excess soil moisture. Water-saturated soil will suffocate the roots and kill the plant in the long run.
Brown spots and drooping leaves are the early root rot signs due to overwatering. The issue occurs due to poor soil drainage and lack of drainage holes on the pot.
I recommend growing African violets in a fast-draining potting mix. Add perlite to the potting soil to promote a better drainage system.
Reduce the watering frequency to allow the potting soil to dry. The best option is to transplant the African violet to a brand new pot with a fresh potting mix.
Schedule a strict watering routine to avoid overwatering and under-watering problems. Fixing under-watering issues is easier than overwatering problems.
Pest Infestations
Improper African violet care makes these houseplants vulnerable to insect infestation. These pests drain nutrients and water from the leaves.
The mechanical damages from regular piercings result in brown spots formation. These spots create a channel for bacterial or fungal infection.
Use insecticidal soap spray to eliminate these sap-sucking creatures from the plant. Always inspect the leaves when watering the houseplant to avoid mite infestations.
Remember to isolate the plant with pests to prevent spreading. Ensure the isolated houseplant gets ultimate care to avoid other issues from cropping up.
Normal Aging Process
Brown leaves on the African violet plant are not always about underlying issues. Sometimes it can be a normal aging process with your houseplant.
The oldest leaves on the plant are vulnerable to discoloration. I recommend cutting these leaves with a sharp and sterilized plant to conserve energy.
There is no need to worry about your tropical flowering plant. Focus on providing proper African violet care to enjoy the eye-catching foliages and flowers.
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Related Questions
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Drying Up?
Under-watering, low humidity, and direct sunlight exposure are the possible causes of African violet leaves drying up. Try to investigate your plant to identify the exact causes and fix them.
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Dark Green?
Low lighting condition is the leading reason behind dark green foliages. Relocate the houseplant to a spot that receives bright indirect sunlight or uses artificial lighting.
Why Are My African Violet Leaves Turning Black?
Inappropriate watering and fungal growth are the reasons for African violet leaves turning black. I recommend investigating the plant to identify the exact cause and fix it.
Final Word
African violet leaf problems are inevitable. The best option is to focus on better care regimes to minimize these leaf problems. Feel free to read How to Care for African Violet Plants.
I hope this information will help in resolving African violet leaves turning brown. Rust on African violet leaves is due to misting and dust.
Feel free to share this information with other houseplant enthusiasts in your communities. Kindly leave a comment about your experience with brown leaves on African violet plants.
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