Fiddle leaf figs are the most popular houseplants in the U.S.A due to their lush and vibrant foliages. These breath-taking houseplants are excellent for creating tropical vibes in your indoor space. It can be upsetting to see your fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping.
So, why are my fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping? The possible causes are too little water, overfeeding, overwatering, incorrect lighting, and high temperature. Other minor causes are pest infestations, root-bound, and transplant shock.
Identifying the exact cause of droopy leaves on fiddle leaf figs may sound simple, but investigate your plant first before finding the solutions. In this article, we’ll explain the possible causes and tips for fixing droopy leaves on fiddle leaf figs.

15 Common Reasons for Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Drooping
Fiddle leaf figs are temperamental houseplants, and any change in growing conditions will make them unhealthy. Here are the possible reasons for fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping and brown:
Too Little Water
Most fiddle leaf fig owners fear overwatering since the plant is highly vulnerable to root rot problems. The fear is the reason for giving your fiddle leaf fig little water that responds by drooping leaves.
Rehydrating your fiddle leaf fig is the only way of fixing drooping leaves. Schedule a strict watering routine to avoid under-watering your potted fiddle leaf fig. We recommend watering your plant every week during the spring and summer.
Reduce the watering frequency during the winter (cold months) since your fiddle leaf fig will not experience active growth. Watering your fiddle leaf fig more often during cold months will increase the risk of watering.
Too Much Water
Fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping and brown are the earliest symptoms of under-watering and overwatering. Take the time to investigate your houseplant and identify the exact cause of droopy leaves.
Too much water in the potting soil fills the air pockets and prevents the roots from accessing oxygen. Root suffocations inhibit the leaves from getting adequate moisture and turn floppy.
Overwatering occurs due to poor soil drainage and a lack of drainage holes beneath the container. We recommend using well-draining soil and pot with drainage holes to eliminate excess water.
Re-pot your fiddle leaf fig to fresh potting medium and pot to fix root rot. Be sure to trim root parts with brown patches before transplanting. You’ll also notice fiddle leaf fig leaves pointing down after re-potting.
Incorrect Lighting
Fiddle leaf figs are tropical plants that thrive under the canopy. These plants can tolerate low to moderate lighting without becoming unhealthy. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight causes leaves to droop and turn brown.
Lack of sunlight can also make your fiddle leaf fig leaves droop and yellow. It occurs since the leaves cannot make food and process the moisture. If the condition persists, the leaves will begin wilting.
Relocate your fiddle leaf fig to a spot with bright indirect sunlight. The condition will foster the development of lush and vibrant dark green leaves. Fiddle leaf figs can also tolerate early morning and late evening direct sunlight.
High Temperature
Fiddle leaf figs prefer a temperature range of 65-80oF (16-27oC) to thrive well. Any temperature above the optimum requirement will result in fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping after watering.
High temperature causes an increase in water loss and makes the leaves look saggy and unhealthy. The damage can be more prominent when growing your fiddle leaf figs outdoor since you have no control over the extreme temperature changes.
Install a digital thermometer to help monitor and detect temperature changes. Be sure to keep your indoor fiddle leaf figs away from air conditioners and heat vents to prevent leaves from drooping.
Transplant Shock
Fiddle leaf figs are fast-growing tropical plants making them require frequent transplant to avoid root-bound effects. Transplant shock occurs when trying to adjust the potting medium and container size.
If you notice your fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping after repotting, do not freak out. It is normal since the plant is trying to adjust to the new environment. We recommend providing ultimate fiddle leaf fig care to restore it.
Acclimation Effect
Most houseplants come from different plant stores in the country. Each store has a unique environmental condition that makes the fiddle leaf fig thrives well. Leaves drooping are signs of transition to a new room or growing environment.
If you notice your fiddle leaf fig leaves yellowing and drooping, do not freak. Instead, provide ultimate fiddle leaf fig care to resolve the leaf problems. The plant will require more time to adjust to the new environment.
Lack of Humidity
Fiddle leaf figs are native to the tropical rainforest of Central and West Africa. The tropical rainforest has warm and high humidity. Every houseplant enthusiasts need to replicate similar humidity levels at home.
But indoor humidity level is vulnerable to fluctuations leading to fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping after watering. Fiddle leaf fig leaves turning brown along the edges and tips are other signs of low humidity.
Install an electric humidifier to boost indoor humidity and fix the droopy foliages among your fiddle leaf figs. Ensure the room receives adequate ventilation to prevent pest infestations.
Fiddle leaf figs are light feeders compared to other tropical houseplants. But these plants require nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to enhance lush foliage growth. If you overfed your fiddle leaf figs, the leaves will become droopy and brown.
Excess salt buildup around the roots drains water from the plant and fosters wilting. We recommend flushing the potting medium every three months to avoid salt buildup or accumulation.
Switching to homemade fertilizers for houseplants is the best option. It will help avoid the issues related to over-fertilization. Other symptoms of over-fertilizations are fiddle leaves turning yellow and brown spots formation.
Chemical Burn
Fiddle leaf figs are sensitive to chemical exposure since they are the most temperamental tropical houseplants. Using perfumes or air fresheners will make your fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping and brown.
Besides that, misting fiddle leaf figs with tap water can make the leaves appear saggy and unhealthy. Tap water contains chlorine and fluoride minerals that are harmful to the houseplant foliages.
Lack of Nutrients
Fiddle leaf figs require nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium nutrients to promote lush and vibrant foliages. Lack of nutrients will lead to fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping and yellow in the long run.
Feed your fiddle leaf figs every spring and summer to enhance vegetative growth. Be sure not to apply fertilizer to your potted fiddle leaf figs during the winter due to the dormancy effect. It will help avoid the over-fertilization effect on your houseplant.
Pest Infestations
Fiddle leaf figs are highly susceptible to insect infestations. These pests usually drain nutrients from the leaves and damage vital tissues. If you notice your fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping, inspect the plant for webs or cobwebs.
Aphids, thrips, and mites are the leading tiny creatures that may attack your fiddle leaf fig leaves. Use insecticidal soap to eliminate these insects on your houseplant and prevent the leaves from drooping or wilting.
Leaf Spot Diseases
Bacterial and fungal leaf spot diseases can also cause fiddle leaf fig leaves to droopy or brown. The leaf spot diseases occur due to high humidity and lack of ventilation in the room while growing fiddle leaf figs.
Treating these health conditions can be a daunting experience for beginners and season houseplant enthusiasts. We recommend using fungicides to treat the leaf problems and remember to isolate the plant.
Age of the Leaves
New leaves on fiddle leaf figs have weaker tissues making them appear droopy. If you notice new leaves drooping on your fiddle leaf figs, do not freak since the juvenile leaves will mature to develop robust tissue that support the upright posture.
Clogged Leaves
Clogged leaves due to dust is a minor cause of drooping leaves on fiddle leaf figs at home. Excess dirt or dust accumulation on leaves will block the stomata to inhibit photosynthesis and fresh air flow.
Wipe down the leaves with a lint cloth damped in water to remove the dirt. Unclogging the stomata will foster photosynthesis and gaseous exchange to fix the leaves drooping problem.
Root Bound
Fiddle leaf figs are fast-growing tropical houseplants. The growth rate makes them vulnerable to the root-bound problem. Failure to transplant your fiddle leaf fig, you will notice leaves drooping and browning.
We recommend re-potting your fiddle leaf fig every year to avoid the root-bound effect. You will also notice your fiddle leaf fig leaves falling off after repotting. Be sure to provide ultimate fiddle leaf fig care to avoid leaf problems.
My Final Thoughts
Fiddle leaf fig leaves drooping occur due to improper care routine. Tweaking the fiddle leaf fig care practices will help fix the leaf drooping problems. But investigate your ficus lyrata to identify the exact cause and fix it.
High temperature, low humidity, direct sunlight exposure, and over-fertilization are the leading causes of ficus lyrate leaves drooping. Addressing these conditions early will help prevent plant death.
We hope this information will help you fix the leaf problem on your fiddle leaf fig. Feel free to share the article with your friends or family members. Let us also know your views or suggestions in the comment section.
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