Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) plant is the most attractive and adorable indoor plant. Thanks to its broad tropical leaves and classic spath flowers. The houseplant has easy to care requirements making it ideal for beginners.
Peace lily leaves turning yellow can be heartbreaking. The leaf problem is inevitable due to the dynamics of indoor growing conditions. But there is no need to freak since fixing peace lily leaves turning yellow and brown is easy.
So, why is my peace lily leaves turning yellow? Possible causes aging leaves, improper watering regime, transplant shock, tap water, nutrients deficiency, temperature stress, inappropriate lighting, pests, and diseases.
Keep reading this article to identify the reasons behind the leaf problem and techniques of fixing them with ease. The solutions provided in this article will help you to get your peace lily back to perfect health and experience their tropical vibes.
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Why Do Leaves on a Peace Lily Turn Yellow?
Healthy peace lily should have deep-green and lance-shaped leaves growing directly from the potting soil. The houseplant requires little care due to its versatility and durability. Ultimate peace lily care will enhance proper growth and health.
Peace lily leaves turning yellow occur due to several factors. Most of these factors are associated with improper peace lily care regimes. Let’s go through each cause and learn how to fix them without compromising with the plant growth.
Improper Lighting Condition
Too much or too little lighting condition is responsible for yellowing leaves on your peace lily plant. Improper lighting condition usually makes the entire leaves to turn yellow or brown.
The peace lily grows under the canopy in their native habitat, where it thrives under bright indirect sunlight. The moderate lighting condition helps to enhance their physiological activities.
Too much light will make your peace lily leaves turn brown and eventually yellow. The issue occurs when the plant location receives direct sunlight. The heat usually scorches the leaves.
Growing the houseplant in a dark room will also result in leaves turning yellow and stems becoming leggy. Insufficient light inhibits the plant from undertaking its physiological roles.
Be sure to relocate the peace lily plant to a region that receives medium to bright indirect sunlight. You can use artificial lights in case the room does not receive natural light.
Grow LED lights (Check Best Deals on Amazon) are the most reputable sources of light for indoor plants. The lighting condition enables the plant to carry out its usual activities to thrive.
Too Much Water (Overwatering Issue)
Overwatering is the leading cause of peace lily leaves turning yellow. The issue occurs due to improper soil drainage resulting in waterlogging.
Soggy soil inhibits the roots aerations and invites fungal growth in the potting soil. The fungal growth is responsible for the invasion of the root rot.
The root disease prevents the plant from getting vital nutrients and minerals. Leaves turning yellow are the initial sign of root rot.
If the condition persists for a couple of weeks, the plant will begin to droop and eventually dies. The best option is to address the issue and fix it on time to prevent losing your favorite plant.
Consider re-potting the peace lily plant to another container with fresh potting soil. Ensure the potting mix has proper drainage to enhance roots aeration.
Besides that, the new container should have drainage holes at the bottom. These holes will help to get rid of excess water to prevent sogginess.
Be sure to snip off the affected roots with a sterilized pair of scissors before re-potting. Follow the ultimate peace lily plant care for better results in the long run.
Inconsistent Watering Habits (Under-Watering Problem)
Peace lilies are easier to grow and maintain. The ease to note their displeasure makes this houseplant suitable for beginners.
These tropical beauties love to stay hydrated to bring that tropical vibes and make a bold statement in any space. It implies that peace lily plants are not drought resistant.
Starving the houseplant with water will make their stems fall over, and leaves start turning yellow and wrinkled.
The best solution is to come with a proper watering schedule. The routine will help to prevent underwatering and overwatering issues.
The good news is that peace lily plants are forgiving. You’ll need to remove the damaged leaves and try to get the plant back to perfect health.
The under-watering problem may also result in leaves drooping, curling, and turning brown. Be sure to water the plant twice or thrice a week in summer and once a week in winter.
Water Quality Issue
Peace lily leaves are super sensitive to chlorine. Exposing these leaves to chlorine could be the reason behind the yellowing issue.
Tap water has a lot of minerals that pose dangers to the plant. If you use tap water when watering the houseplant, expect the leaves to turn yellow or develop brown patches.
A good practice is to allow tap water to stay overnight before watering your favorite houseplant. It allows the chlorine gas to evaporate and prevents harming your indoor plant.
Another alternative is to consider using filtered or distilled water. The water is free from mineralization and ideal for watering your peace lily plant.
Temperature Stress
Peace lilies thrive under a temperature range of 65-85oF. The temperature condition enables the plant to develop broad and stunning tropical leaves.
Yellow leaves on the peace lily plant occur due to extreme temperatures. These tropical plants hate cold drafts and too much heat.
Cold drafts usually result in cold porch on the leaves that trigger yellowing or browning. Keep in mind that the plant won’t tolerate any temperature below 45oF.
The best option is to move the plant away from a draft-free location. Ensure the indoor temperature mimic their natural habitat for better growth and health.
Nutrients Deficiency
Peace lilies are not heavy feeders. But these plants need basic nutrition to thrive and attain full potential when grown in the house.
Magnesium and iron deficiencies in the potting soil are responsible for peace lily leaves turning yellow. The issue usually makes foliages turn yellow and veins retain their green color.
Use homemade plant fertilizer to keep your peace lilies happy. It will provide the necessary nutrients and minerals that foster better growth.
Read my article on how to make homemade fertilizers for a houseplant. Organic fertilizers are harmless to indoor plants regardless of the usage methods.
You can also use artificial fertilizer to supply adequate nutrients. I recommend using a proper portion of liquid fertilizer to fix the leaf problem.
Transplant Shock
Peace lily plants are easy-going houseplants. Re-potting and transplanting to prevent root-bound issues is never a big deal. But the shock may cause the development of yellow leaves.
Peace lily leaves turning yellow after re-potting is normal. It is an indicator that the plant is trying to acclimate from the transplant shock.
Provide tender care, and soon, new growth will show up. If the issue persists, try to investigate other possible causes and fix them.
Natural Aging Problem
Aging is inevitable in plants. Older leaves on the plant will always turn yellow or brown and eventually fall off. The issue usually affects the bottom leaves alone.
The best solution is to cut off the bottom yellow leaves using a sterilized pair of scissors. The technique will allow the houseplant to redirect energy and food to new growths.
Insect Infestation
Peace lilies are more vulnerable to pest infestation than other ornamental houseplants. The most common bugs attacking peace lilies are spider mites, mealybugs, aphids, and scales.
These bugs suck cell-sap from the leaves and inject venom. The frequently piercing tends to harm the leaves’ vital tissues in the long run.
Leaves turning yellow with brown spots happen to be the sign of insect infestations. You can easily spot the colonies without using a lens.
Consider wiping the leaves with an insecticidal soap spray to eliminate these bugs. Be sure to develop a habit of inspecting the leaves twice a month.
Plant Diseases
Peace lilies are vulnerable to Cylindrocladium spathyphylli and Phytophthora parasitica fungi. These diseases have no cure and the chance of losing your favorite plant after infection is high.
These plant diseases can spread from one plant to another via unsterilized tools and allowing the potting soil to dry between the watering.
Related Questions
Why Are My Peace Lily Leaves Turning Brown?
Brown spots and streaks on peace lily leaves occur due to direct sunlight exposure. Overwatering and under-watering are other possible causes of brown leaves on the peace lily plant.
Why Is My Peace Lily Flower Turning Brown?
If your peace lily flower is brown, it could be due to improper care, aging, and overstressed plant. Keep in mind that the peace lily flower has a shorter lifespan.
Why Is My Peace Lily Flower Turning Yellow?
It is due to peace lily species since some produce white flowers and others yellow flowers. But insect infestations could be another possible cause of the problem.
Should I Cut the Yellow Leaves off My Peace Lily?
Yes. Pruning helps to prevent the spread of pests and diseases. It also removes the old yellow foliages to keep the plant fresh with stunning green foliages.
Will Yellow Peace Lily Turn Green Again?
No. The best option is to cut them off and allow the plant to generate new growths. Yellow peace lily leaves will never turn green again.
How Often Do You Water a Peace Lily?
Once a week and mist the leaves throughout the summer. Misting helps to keep the houseplant hydrated by increasing humidity. It will prevent the peace lily from drooping and curling leaves.

In Conclusion
Peace lily plant loves the indoor environment and can be neglected for a few days without becoming fussy. But too much light and water happen to be their main weaknesses.
Keep your peace lily plant away from direct sunlight to avoid leaf-related problems. Use proper potting soil drainage to prevent waterlog from occurring.
Peace lily leaves turning yellow is due to aging, improper watering, and many more factors. The rule of thumb is to identify the cause and adopt an appropriate action to fix it.
The checklist in this article will help you identify the cause of yellow peace lily leaves and techniques for fixing the problem.