Why Are My Anthurium Leaves Curling? (Causes & Solutions)

The anthurium plant has become something of a must-have houseplant in the United States of America and Canada. The beautiful foliage and stunning year-round bloom are worth your consideration in recent days.

Growing anthurium houseplant is super easy. But there are some instances your anthurium leaves will start becoming curly and wrinkled. It can be a cause of concern but there is no need to freak. Luckily, this article is going to identify the common problems and help you restore the houseplant.

The most common causes of anthurium leaves getting curly are pest infestations, temperature stress, overwatering, low sunlight exposure, low humidity, and more. Identifying the cause of this issue is a crucial step to fixing it.

Sometimes identifying the cause of curling leaves on anthurium plant can be a daunting experience. The rule of thumb is to check the plant growing condition and inspecting the wrinkling patterns on the foliage.

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Flamingo Flower

Why Are My Anthurium Leaves Wrinkled?

Below are the possible causes of anthurium leaves curling:

New Leaves

You should note that all anthurium plant varieties show curling leaves at some point and this is regarded to be quite normal. The new leaves first appear curly when coming out of the buds and they usually take time to flatten out.

These new leaves develop from the stem tops. If you notice the small leaves emanating from the stem are curly and the rest are healthy, there is no need to freak. Make sure the houseplant gets the required condition and keep observing it daily.

Low Light Exposure

Sunlight is the most crucial houseplant condition to consider. The light helps the plant make their food through the process of photosynthesis. Inadequate sunlight supply will inhibit food translocation by discoloring the green pigment in leaves.

Low sunlight exposure makes the foliage curl or wrinkle. You will notice the leaf back curling and the center pushing upwards to form a dome shape. This is the way the leaves respond when subjected to low light exposure.

When I bought my first anthurium plant from an online store, it was wrapped up, and become unable to access light throughout the shipping process. I notice significant curling of leaves though the rest of the plant was healthy.

But when I placed the houseplant to bright indirect sunlight, the leaves started gaining their normal shape over several weeks. Keep in mind that direct sunlight will scorch the leaves and cause brown spots.

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Overwatering Stress

The curling leaves happen due to change in water content. The change in shape of the anthurium leaves reduce their stunning appearance to some extent. Many gardeners usually uproot and discard the plant without getting to know the cause.

Overwatering makes the plant to absorb more water than the required standard. Too much water content distorts the shape of the leaves and result into curling. The good news is that the issue can easily be fixed.

I made a similar mistake of overwatering some two years ago and I notice the leaves developing downward curling. The leaves were trying much to expand and maximize the excess water. But this was in vain.

Overwatering stress also come along with other symptoms such as yellowing of leaves, soggy pot and other signs of root rot. You need to take time to inspect all the growing conditions for anthurium plant before making a conclusion.

Below are factors that causes overwatering issues:

  • Using poorly drained soil.
  • Using a large pot for the plant.
  • Growing the plant in a pot without drainage holes.
  • Watering the plant based on the schedule rather checking the soil moisture.
  • Growing the houseplant in a cool and dim light condition to inhibit transpiration.

If you think the curling leaves on anthurium houseplant is due to overwatering, consider correcting the above issues. Reducing watering rate and check the soil moisture before commencing the watering routine.

Temperature Problems

Anthurium plants are tropical plants that require moderate temperature to thrive. The temperature range should be between cold and warm. Warm temperature usually encourages the anthurium leaves to curl at some stages.

If the temperature is too warm, you will notice the leaves curling upward to reduce the surface area exposed to heat. The survival tactic enables the plant to lose less water in the long run. But it ends up ruining the stunning appearance of the leaves.

Anthurium houseplant thrives under a temperature range 60°F to 90°F (15°C to 32°C). Keep in mind that the plant cannot tolerate extremely low or high temperatures.

If the leaves of the anthurium are curling due to high temperature, try to reduce it gradually to avoid temperature stress.

The United States and Canada weather conditions usually favor this houseplant. But gardeners need to install fans during summer to regulate indoor temperature. Keep in mind that temperature fluctuation is the main cause of curly leaves.

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Inconsistent Watering

Underwatering is yet another crucial factor that causes curling leaves on anthurium houseplant. The flamingo flower responds to inadequate water supply by curling its leaves. The main purpose is to reduce the area of the leaf and water loss.

Anthurium clarinervium leaves curling due to inconsistent watering can kill the plant. Make sure the soil pot is not dry fully or otherwise, the houseplant will start wilting. Keep inspecting the soil pot and get to know when the plant needs water.

Inconsistent watering will make the anthurium leaves curl upwards and downwards. The water scarcity issue forces the plant to develop the mechanism of saving more for future use. Prolong water scarcity issue might make the leaves to get deform and even fall off the plant.

There are some instances the anthurium leaves will start splitting. The issue happens when the plant is suddenly introduced to water and the leaves react rapidly. The problem can distort the general appearance of this stunning houseplant.

Design a watering schedule for your houseplants. It the best option to avoid issues related to underwatering stress. Remember to investigate the soil moisture before watering to also avoid overwatering problems.

Low Humidity Level

The native habitat of the anthurium plant is warm and humid. The tropical weather condition makes the anthurium plant grow as an epiphyte in the forest. Having a humid indoor environment will make the plant experience better growth.

When the humidity is way below 20%, the plant will start developing curling leaves. The succulent leaves and stems of anthurium are less resistant to low humidity.

The condition makes the plant develop brown spots on the leaves if not corrected on time. Sometimes that houseplant might wilt to death. Maintain the indoor humidity at 80%.

Pest Problems

Spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs are common pests that infest on the houseplant. These tiny creatures suck sap from the leaves causing the curling or wrinkling issue.

The good news is that these insects can easily be identified on the anthurium plants. Spider mites are white flying insects and aphids come in different colors.

We recommend saturating the anthurium plant with insecticidal soap weekly. The application help to get rid of these pests from the plant and restore the stunning leaves.

Unsuitable Pot

A large pot with poorly drained soil is not ideal for growing the flamingo flower. Large pot encourages overwatering issue and poorly drained soil result in water pool.

The water pool in the pot without drainage holes will cause root rot in the plant. The bacterial disease will inhibit the houseplant from getting adequate water to carry out physiological processes.

Anthurium leaves will begin curling and later the entire plant will wilt. Consider repotting the houseplant or discarding it safely to avoid the spread of the disease.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Are My Anthurium Leaves Losing their Shine?

Anthurium leaves losing their glossy shine and becoming dull could be due to insufficient humidity. The natural habitat of anthurium plants has a humidity level of about 80%.

Consider misting your houseplant every week to increase the humidity level. The stunning leaves of the flamingo flowers will regain the glossy shine appearance.

Why Are My Anthurium Leaves Turning Brown?

The Anthurium plant is easy to grow and maintains its stunning appearance. But any change in their growing condition will result in brown leave tips. The most common cause of anthurium leaves turning brown is insufficient water.

Fix the problem by following a watering schedule. Remember to check the soil moisture before watering to avoid overwatering stress. We recommend watering once throughout the growing season.

Why Do Anthurium Leaves Turn Yellow?

If you notice your anthurium leaves turning yellow, it is possibly due to the overwatering issue. The excess water in the soil causes root rot and this inhibits water absorption.

Consider repotting the houseplant and always inspect the soil moisture before watering. Also, expose the plant to bright indirect sunlight to enhance photosynthesis.

Can You Grow Anthurium Plant in the Bathroom?

Absolutely. But ensure the bathroom receives bright indirect light and the plant will grow well since there is a high humidity level.

How Often Should I Repot an Anthurium?

After every two to three years. It is the period when the plant has outgrown the pot. It is super easy to tell when to repot the anthurium plant since it usually grows out of the drainage holes.

How Long Do Anthuriums Live?

Proper care and maintenance of indoor anthurium make the plant live longer. If you want to enjoy the tropical lushes and exotic flowers for many years, ensure the growing condition meets the required standards.

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In Conclusion

Anthurium crystallinum leaves curling can be tricky to manage since there is a lot of conflicting information regarding the causes and solutions.

There are many reasons that cause anthurium leaves to curl. But every anthurium plant variety has a specific growing condition.

If you notice the leaves of your anthurium plant curling, there is no need to freak. Identify the cause of the problem and fix it immediately to avoid further damages.

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