When I bought my first rhaphidophora plant, I encountered several leaf-related problems. The leaves curling issue was the worst and challenging to fix. I decided to write this article after researching the causes and techniques of fixing them.
So, why are my rhaphidophora leaves curling? Inconsistent watering habits and temperature stress are the leading cause of rhaphidophora leaves curling. Other possible causes to consider are low humidity, over-fertilization, pests, and diseases.
Keep reading to learn how overwatering and improper lighting conditions can also trigger rhaphidophora leaves curling. The information will also help you identify the cause and respective solutions.
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Causes of Rhaphidophora Leaves Curling
Try to identify the cause of your rhaphidophora decursiva leaves curling before jumping into any method of fixing it. Inspect the growing condition of the plant and spot any deviation leading to leaves curling.
Keep in mind that any factor causing water loss or restricting water absorption by the plant roots could be responsible for rhaphidophora leaves curling. The article discusses some of the possible causes and steps to get rhaphidophora leaves to perfect shape.
Rhaphidophora Leaves Curling Due to Under-Watering
Inconsistent watering habit (under-watering) is the leading cause of plant leaf curling. If your rhaphidophora plant is getting insufficient water, it will let you know by curling the leaves. The problem inhibits the houseplant from carrying out normal physiological activities.
Inspect the potting soil by inserting the index finger to test soil moisture content. If the topsoil is dry, it is an indicator of under-watering. Another possible sign of under-watering is the leaf turning brown and crispy on the edges or tips.
The plant curl leaves as a defense mechanism to save water and survive. Curling leaves reduce the surface area that limits water loss through transpiration. Tropical plants need sufficient water to thrive and produce stunning leaves.
Consider soaking the soil with water for few minutes and allow the pot to sit until excess water drain completely. Buy a moisture meter (Check Best Deals on Amazon) to water your plant without using guesses. Be sure to test moisture content in the potting soil before watering.
Rhaphidophora Leaves Curling Due to Overwatering
Overwatering causes the water to stagnate and suffocate the plant roots. The issue occurs due to improper soil drainage and a lack of drainage holes at the bottom of the growing container. The houseplant does not thrive in a damp environment.
The suffocated roots due to the damp environment inhibit the indoor plant from absorbing nutrients and oxygen. The issue later results in plant curling leaves to conserve the little watering remaining in its system.
Besides that, stagnant water is the breeding ground for root rot disease. Infected roots will no longer function to supply the plant with nutrients and water. Rhaphidophora leaves turning yellow and curling are initial signs of overwatering.
The golden rule is to examine the moisture content in the potting soil and consider an alternate drying method to water your houseplant. Consider re-potting the plant in case of root rot to revive it. Use proper drainage soil with a container having drainage holes at the bottom.
Be sure to snip the affected root parts using a sterilized pruner. Discard the roots to avoid spreading the fungal disease to your other indoor plant collections. Come up with a strict watering schedule to prevent both under-watering and overwatering.
Can Tap Water Cause Rhaphidophora Leaves Curling?
Yes. Tap water contains chemicals that could lead to several leaf problems to any indoor plant sensitive to minerals. If your rhaphidophora plant leaves are curling after watering, it is due to water quality.
Most city tap water contains chlorine and fluoride to eliminate germs. The intention is to make tap water ideal for consumption. But these chemicals might hurt your houseplant leaves after watering. These minerals can also kill the beneficial microbes in the potting soil.
Besides that, watering your rhaphidophora plant more often with tap water will result in excessive salt around the root systems. Too much salt is toxic and will inhibit the roots from carrying out their physiological activities.
I recommend re-potting the plant to a new container with fresh potting soil. Trim the affected root parts with a sterilized pruner and re-pot the plant. Use either filtered water or rainwater for your indoor plant. Allowing the tap water to sit for 24 hours is another excellent option.
Rhaphidophora Curling Leaves Due to Over-Fertilization
Rhaphidophora is a tropical plant and needs a little amount of fertilizer. The nutrients help in the development of beautiful foliages and enhance healthy growth. But the recommendations of fertilizer packages are more than the required standards.
I prefer using balanced fertilizer or homemade fertilizers. Apply balanced fertilizer on your houseplant every two weeks during the growing season (summer, spring, and fall). Don’t apply fertilizer to the plant in winter due to the dormancy stage.
Over-fertilization usually burns or damages the roots leading to non-functioning. Foliage curling is the initial sign of over-fertilization. Undertake a complex lab test to confirm the nutrients level in the potting soil before concluding.
Re-potting the houseplant to fresh potting soil is the best solution. I prefer underfeeding rather than over-fertilization. Besides that, consider using homemade fertilizer to avoid the issues related to artificial fertilizers.
Rhaphidophora Leaves Curling Due to Temperature Stress
Rhaphidophora plant thrives in a temperature range of 70-80oF. Sudden temperature changes might result in rhaphidophora leaves curling. Extremely hot and cold temperatures can cause stress on the houseplant leaves.
Rhaphidophora plants experience slow growth under low temperatures. Besides that, high temperatures foster a higher water loss rate than absorption. The high transpiration rate usually occurs through leaves causing them to curl.
Plant leaves curling help to save on water and enhance survival during harsh weather condition. The mechanism reduces the surface area exposed to sunlight and temperature sources. The best option is to keep the plant away from vents, fireplaces, and window or door drafts.
Rhaphidophora Leaves Curling Due to Low Humidity
Rhaphidophora plants love high humidity to enhance the development of beautiful leaves and better growth. Most tropical plants cannot tolerate low humidity. Plant leaves curling with brown edges and tips are indicators of low humidity.
Low humidity encourages transpiration via the leaves. If the houseplant experiences low water absorption, the leaves begin to curl to save on the available water. I prefer using a digital hygrometer (Check Best Deals on Amazon) to eliminate weather confusion.
Ensure the indoor growing humidity is about 40-60% on average. Install a humidifier to increase humidity in the house. Another alternative is to mist the leaves, although it might invite fungal infection.
Pest Infestation
Rhaphidophora plants are less vulnerable to insects. But this does not imply that the houseplant is invincible to insect infestations. Some of the sap-sucking insects that attack the houseplant are spider mites, thrips, and aphids.
These creatures usually suck nutrients from the leaves leading to tissues damaged through the frequent piercing. Damaged leaves tissues result in curling and even wilting. Grab a hand lens to inspect the underside and upper side of the leaves.
I prefer applying neem oil on the leaves to eliminate these insects. But the organic approach is the best option when dealing with minor insect infestation. Heavy pest infestation requires the use of horticultural chemicals.
Related Questions
What Causes Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Droopy Leaves?
Improper watering technique is the leading cause of rhaphidophor tetrasperma droopy leaves. Be sure to check the soil moisture level and adjust the watering schedule.
Is Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Toxic to Humans?
No. But the houseplant contains calcium oxalate minerals that are toxic to cats and dogs after ingestion. The golden rule is to keep indoor plants away from toddlers and pets.
Why Is My Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma New Leaf Brown?
Low humidity is the leading cause of brown leaves on rhaphidophora plants. Other possible causes are under-watering, overwatering, and temperature stress.
Final Word
Rhaphidophora leaves curling to occur due to temperature stress, low humidity, and inconsistent watering habits. Other minor causes are insect infestation, overwatering, over-fertilization, and water quality.
Learning more about rhaphidophora tetrasperma fertilizer requirements will help to prevent over-fertilization issues. I hope the tips in the article will help you fix other rhaphidophora tetrasperma problems without seeking assistance from professionals.