Monstera Adansonii Care: How to Care for Swiss cheese Vine

I have been into indoor gardening for over a decade now. Monstera adansonii has become my favorite swiss cheese plant due to its unique foliage appearance. Besides that, growing and caring for swiss cheese vine at home is super easy.

Monstera adansonii care involves the provision of bright indirect sunlight, well-draining potting soil, high humidity, and a temperature range of 70-75oF (21-24oC). Feed this Swiss cheese vine every month during spring and summer.

This indoor staple is a perfect choice for beginners and season growers. Ultimate Swiss cheese vine care will result in successful growth. Keep reading this article to learn how to care for a Swiss cheese vine at home.

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What Does Monstera Adansonii Look Like?

Monstera adansonii has ovate leaves with circular holes and aerial roots that cling on surfaces to absorb moisture from the air.

These aerial roots make this Swiss climbing vine have epiphytic traits. But this monstera cultivar belongs to a group of tropical flowering plants in the Araceae family.

The Swiss cheese vine hails from central and southern America with long trailing vines covering the tropical rainforest floor or climbing the trees. The climbing vines can reach 60ft (20m) long.

Potted Monstera adansonii has leaves that grow 8-16 inches long and 5-12 inches wide. Proper pruning and support can help to control its growth.

Monstera adansonii produces yellowish-white flowers in its native habitat. These arum flowers have large petal-like spadix that surrounds a white spathe.

These flowers develop into edible fruits with a pineapple or banana taste. These flowers look like calla lily flowers since they come from the same family as monstera plants.

Monstera adansonii foliages are toxic to cats, dogs, and other pets. The chemical ingredients will cause vomiting, skin irritation, and drooling.

Monstera Adansonii Care Details

OriginCentral and Southern America
Botanical NameMonstera adansonii
Common NamesSwiss cheese vine Five holes plant Monkey mask plant
Maximum Growth (Approx.)12 ft tall
Light RequirementsBright indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight exposure will scorch the leaves.
Watering NeedsThrive in relatively moist soil. Overwatering will cause a root rot issues.
Temperature Range70-75oF (21-24oC). Cannot tolerate temperature below 55oF (13oC).
Soil RequirementsFertile and well-draining potting mix. Combine peat moss, potting soil, and perlite.
Humidity RequirementsAbove 50%. High humidity helps to keep the monkey mask plant happy.
Fertilizer ApplicationFeed the plant every month during spring and summer. Use water-soluble all-purpose houseplant fertilizer.
Re-pottingEvery 2-3 years. Transplant when the roots grow out of the drainage holes.
Pruning and MaintenancePrune any dead, yellow, or damaged leaves
PropagationStem cuttings
Pests and DiseasesPests: Spider mites and mealybugs Diseases: Root rot due to overwatering
ToxicityPoisonous to cats and dogs.

How to Care for Monstera Adansonii

Monstera Adansonii Soil Requirement

Swiss cheese vine thrives in well-draining soil that can hold moisture without getting soggy. It also prefers a soil pH between 5.5 and 7.0 to enhance healthy growth.

Ensure the pot has drainage holes at the bottom to get rid of excess water. Monstera adansonii does not thrive in damp environments.

I recommend using an aroid mix that consists of the orchid mix, peat moss, charcoal, and perlite. Add compost to boost soil fertility and facilitate healthy growth.

Monstera Adansonii Watering Needs

The five holes plant loves to be consistently moist and not soaked. Too much moisture will result in monstera adansonii leaves turning yellow.

Besides that, inconsistent watering habits are the possible cause of monstera adansonii leaves turning brown and drooping or curling.

I recommend inspecting the soil moisture content before watering your favorite plant. Insert the index figure to 2-3 inches of topsoil and water if it is dry.

The monkey mask plant uses more water during spring and summer. Reduce the watering frequency during late fall and winter due to dormancy.

Monstera Adansonii Light Requirements

The monkey mask plant grows under the canopy in its native habitat. It can tolerate low lighting conditions for a short period. Otherwise, it might become leggy and stunted in growth.

Grow your monstera adansonii under bright indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight exposure will scorch the leaves and even kill the entire plant.

Early morning direct sunlight exposure will not hurt your Swiss-cheese plant. Use artificial lights in rooms receiving low natural light.

Temperature Requirement for Monstera Adansonii

The Swiss cheese vine thrives in warm temperatures. Replicating the plant’s natural conditions at home will enhance healthy growth.

The best temperature range for a monkey mask plant at home is about 70-75oF (21-24oC). Any temperature below 55oF (13oC) will trigger dormancy and even harm the plant.

Keep your monstera adansonii plant away from air vents, heaters, radiators, and windowsills. These drafts could be the reason behind curling, yellowing, and browning.

Use a digital thermometer to detect indoor temperature changes. I recommend maintaining the room temperature to avoid harming your monkey mask plant.

Humidity Requirement for Monstera Adansonii

The Swiss cheese plant prefers a warm and humid environment. The tropical rainforest in central and southern America experiences high humidity levels.

Every houseplant enthusiast needs to replicate similar conditions at home. High humidity helps to keep the plant happy and healthy.

Keep the indoor humidity level above 60% for healthy growth. Use a digital hygrometer to monitor the indoor humidity changes.

Remember to use an electric humidifier to boost indoor humidity. Besides that, allow free air circulation in the house to avoid pest infestations and other fungal conditions around the plant.

Monstera Adansonii Fertilizer Application

This tropical houseplant is a light feeder when compared to others. It might need fertilizer nutrients to foster vegetative growth.

Remember to feed your plant every 4-6 weeks during spring and summer. Do not fertilize the plant during winter due to the dormancy effect.

Be sure to flush the potting mix every three months to avoid salt buildup in the potting mix. Another option is to use a potting mix with a slow-release fertilizer.

I recommend using homemade or organic fertilizer over the commercial counterparts. It reduces the issues of underfeeding or over-fertilization.

It would be best to read my article on How to Make Homemade Fertilizer for Houseplants. The information in this guide facilitates the switch to organic gardening.

Monstera Adansonii Flowers

Indoor Monstera adansonii does not bloom due to the lighting condition problem. But the outdoor swiss cheese vine will produce a spadix with several tiny flowers.

Many season growers prefer cutting off the flowers to conserve energy. Besides that, this monstera cultivar is loved due to its foliage appearance.

Monstera Adansonii Pruning Requirements

Monstera adansonii is a climber and needs regular pruning to control its growth. Use a sterilized hand pruner to trim the leggy vines and old or damaged foliages.

I recommend pruning your monstera adansonii during springtime. It is the period when this tropical plant experiences vegetative growth.

Monstera Adansonii Re-potting

The swiss cheese plant requires transplant every 2-3 years. Re-pot the houseplant when the roots grow through the drainage holes.

Use a slightly larger pot than the previous one. Trim the roots and cover them with a fresh potting mix containing slow-release fertilizer. Provide monstera adansonii care for faster growth.

Ensure the new pot has several drainage holes at the bottom. It will help drain excess water from the potting medium in the long run.

How to Propagate Monstera Adansonii

Monstera adansonii propagation is a no-brainer task. Stem cuttings are the best method since it is inexpensive and can be obtained during the pruning process.

The swiss cheese plant propagation through seeds is less reliable and expensive. Getting viable seeds from plant stores can be a daunting and intimidating experience.

Cut 4-6 inches of stem after the leaf node with a sterilized blade. Apply rooting hormone to the end and plant in moist soil. Place the pot in a warm spot with bright indirect sunlight.

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Monstera Adansonii Problems and Solutions


Monstera adansonii plant is more vulnerable to pest infestation. Whiteflies, mealybugs, spider mites, and scales are the leading insects that attack this swiss cheese vine.

Use neem oil and insecticidal spray to eliminate these pests. Always investigate your plant to keep an eye on these sap-sucking creatures.


Overwatering and poor ventilation are the common causes of monstera plant diseases. Root rot, rust, powdery mildew, and blight are the leading cause of monstera adansonii.

These diseases are fatal to the houseplant. Provide better-growing conditions and use a copper fungicide to treat any fungal growth.

Monstera Adansonii Yellow Leaves

Excess soil moisture due to overwatering is the reason behind the monstera adansonii yellow leaves. Use a well-draining soil and pot with drainage holes to eliminate the excess water.

Monstera Adansonii Droopy

Under-watering is the reason behind the monstera adansonii becoming droopy. Other possible causes are low humidity, over-fertilization, pests, diseases, and temperature stress.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Mist My Monstera Adansonii?

Yes. It helps to increase humidity around the monstera adansonii. Be sure to provide bright indirect sunlight and proper ventilation to avoid leaf spot issues.

Does Monstera Adansonii Need Sunlight?

Yes. Light is a crucial element during photosynthesis. Remember monstera adansonii thrives under bright indirect sunlight like other tropical houseplants.

How often should I Water My Monstera Adansonii?

Once every week during spring and summer due to its vegetative growth. Remember to reduce watering frequency during late fall and winter.

Is Monstera Adansonii Toxic to Cats, Dogs, and Other Pets?

Yes. The leaves contain insoluble calcium oxalates that are poisonous to cats and dogs if ingested. It causes oral irritation, drooling, and difficulty in swallowing or vomiting.

Final Thoughts

Monstera adansonii has large and heart-shaped leaves covered with holes that look like Swiss cheese. The plant grows under the shade in its native habitat in Central and South America.

Houseplant enthusiasts need to replicate tropical jungle growing conditions at home. It will help facilitate successful monstera adansonii growth.

Monstera adansonii care involves the provision of high humidity, bright indirect sunlight, well-draining soil, and regular feeding every 4-6 weeks during spring and summer.

Kindly share this information with other houseplant enthusiasts in your communities. Besides that, feel free to share your growing and caring experience in the comment section.