N Joy and Glacier are wonderful pothos varieties with recognizable growing habits and appearances. But it can be challenging for beginners to tell the differences between pothos N Joy and glacier from a distance.
So, what is the key difference between pothos N joy and glacier? The N Joy Pothos have larger leaves with white and green pigment separated, while the Glacier Pothos have smaller leaves with a silver coloring and darker green variegation.
Both pothos varieties have similar care routines since they belong to the same family. If you want to know the main differences and similarities, you have come to the right place. We wrote this article to explain how they are different from each other.

Comparison Table (Pothos N Joy Vs Glacier)
Basic Terms | Pothos N Joy | Pothos Glacier |
Maximum Indoor Size | Height 10 feet Width 0.75 feet | Height 6-8 feet Width 3-4 feet |
Leaves | Large leaves with pointed tips | Small oval leaves with less pointed tips. |
Leaf Patterns | Green color dominates the center and white counterpart along the outer edges. | Green color is more dominant than white counterpart that appears as streaks. |
Flowers | Potted N Joy pothos do not produce flowers. | Produce blooms in bright indirect sunlight. |
Soil pH | 6.1-6.5 | 5.0-7.5 |
Scientific Name | Epipremnum Aureum N Joy | Epipremnum Aureum Glacier |
Differences between Pothos N Joy and Glacier
Below are factors that help you tell the difference between the glacier and N Joy pothos. Let us now dive into the discussion for more insight:
Plant Size
A mature potted N Joy species has a maximum height of 10 feet (3 meters), while the glacier species can grow up to 6-8 feet tall. It indicates that Pothos N Joy is about 4 feet taller than the glacier counterpart.
But the maturity heights for these pothos varieties depend on the environment and pot size. We recommend pruning these plants to make their height manageable for indoor spaces. Besides that, glacier pothos is about four times broader than the N Joy species.
Potted N Joy species do not flower regardless of providing ultimate pothos care routine. But this pothos type only produces flowers at maturity in the wilderness. On the other hand, indoor glacier pothos will generate flowers at maturity.
But the flowers from these pothos varieties aren’t welcoming. Many houseplant enthusiasts love these pothos types due to their foliages and pigment. We recommend cutting the spathe to rejuvenate the plant.
Growth Rate
N Joy pothos has a relatively slow growth rate than the glacier counterpart. The pothos N Joy is the best choice for those looking for a slow grower with incredible height. The glacier pothos experience a rapid growth rate around the width than height.
We recommend N Joy pothos since they relieve you from frequent pruning tasks. If you opt for glaciers, reduce fertilization frequency to slow down the growth rate. But both plants can mark a bold statement in your indoor space.
Foliage Variegation
N Joy pothos has large leaves with striking green and white variegation, where the central parts of the leaves are dark green with white outer edges. The glacier pothos has dark green variegation with white streaks.
Besides that, the green variegations on the N Joy species are more dominant than the white one. The color separation does not follow the leaf shape. Both these pothos types are winners under this category.
Leaf Shape and Pattern
Pothos N Joy and glacier have heart-shaped foliages with distinct appearances. The N Joy species has more ovate leaves with sharp tips, while the glacier leaves are less oval and less pointed.
N Joy pothos has smooth and waxy upper surfaces of their leaves with leathery texture underneath. The Glacier leaves have slightly smooth and waxy upper surfaces.
Similarities between Pothos N Joy and Glacier
Both N Joy and Glacier pothos have distinctive appearances and growing habits. But these pothos varieties have similar care and maintenance routines. The following factors help tell the similarities between N Joy and Glacier pothos:
Both glacier and N Joy species are toxic to children and pets when ingested since the leaves contain calcium oxalate minerals. They will cause mouth irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea after ingestion.
Soil Requirement
Pothos plants are beginner-friendly houseplants since they require minimal maintenance. These plants thrive in a well-draining potting mix rich in nutrients. N Joy and Glacier pothos require re-potting every 2-3 years due to root-bound issues.
Light Requirement
Both these pothos types require bright indirect sunlight to thrive well. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight will scorch the leaves and even kill the plants. Low lighting conditions will inhibit these pothos varieties from producing variegation.
Watering Frequency
Pothos N Joy and Glacier thrive in moderately moist soil to facilitate active growth. A soggy environment will cause root rot and many other water-related problems. We recommend watering this pothos more often during the spring and summer.
These plants experience active growth during the spring and summer seasons. Be sure to reduce the watering frequency during winter due to the dormancy effect. Overwatering will result in root rot that makes it challenging to revive or save the plant.
Fertilization Requirement
Both N Joy and Glacier pothos are light feeders and not picky about the fertilizer type. We recommend feeding them every two months during the spring and summer to promote a lush appearance. Use a liquid fertilizer with a more balanced NPK formula to enrich the potting soil.
Temperature and Humidity
Both pothos N Joy and Glacier thrive in a warm and humid environment. This pothos temperature range is about 65-85oF (18-28oC). Maintain an indoor humidity level to about 60-70% for healthy growth.
Use a combined hygrometer to detect indoor humidity and temperature change. Be sure to keep these plants away from heating vents and cold draft sources. Low humidity will make the leaves develop brown edges and tips that later become crispy.
Pest and Diseases Problem
Pothos plants are low-maintenance houseplants though vulnerable to pest infestations and diseases. The spider mites and mealybugs are the leading pests that attack pothos experiencing improper care routines.
Other problems affecting pothos varieties are root rot, yellow leaves, brown spots, and bacterial wilt. These issues occur due to inappropriate watering habits and incorrect lighting effects. We recommend using insecticidal soap spray to eliminate pests on your plant leaves.
Pothos N Joy and Glacier belong to the same family despite having different traits that help tell them apart. Both have similar maintenance and care routines with common problems.
The leaf variegation and size are crucial factors that help tell the difference between N Joy and Glacier Pothos. The N Joy pothos leaves have dark green centers with white outer edges.
On the other hand, glacier pothos leaves have dominant dark green variegation with silver coloring. The leaves are also less ovate and less sharp at the end.
We hope this article will help you make an informed decision before buying. Feel free to share the information with your friends or family members.
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