The monstera deliciosa (Swiss Cheese plant) is among the most popular houseplants in the United States. The indoor plant has an impressive outlook and it is simple to maintain even by novice gardeners.
But it can be heartbreaking to see your monstera plant drooping leaves. The most incredible thing is that fixing the limping and drooping Swiss Cheese Plant is super easy.
So, why are my monstera leaves drooping? The most common causes are lack of water, repotting stress, overwatering, improper fertilization, low light, pests, and diseases.
This article provides a detailed explanation about monstera leaves drooping and turning yellow. Besides that, we have offered simple solutions for fixing a monstera plant that is limping and drooping.
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Why Are the Leaves of Monstera Plant Limping and Drooping?
Below are the possible causes of drooping monstera leaves:
The natural habitat of the Monstera plant is the wet tropical forest in the southern part of Mexico and Central America. It implies that the houseplant thrives in a damp environment.
Watering the indoor plant right will resolve the issue related to drooping leaves. The problem arises when the potting soil is completely dry.
But you need to check the level of moisture in the soil by poking your finger. It is the only way you can avoid the risk of watering.
Water the plant from the top until the soil is hydrated. Leave the container to drain excess water through the drainage holes. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and put the plant in its position.
Overwatering Problem
Overwatering makes the Swiss Cheese plant to grow thin and have yellow leaves. But the weak stems and leaves will start drooping after some days.
Another popular symptom of overwatering is the emergency of brown spots on the leave tips and smelly pot soil. The smell is an indication of root rot and it can end up killing your houseplant.
Repotting the houseplant happens to be the best solution. Use a fresh mix of soil and get a container with drainage holes. These holes help to drain excess water from the soil.
Remember to follow the procedure of watering the Monstera plant to avoid overwatering. It will help the root system to remain healthy and make your indoor plant to shiny again.

Improper Lighting
Swiss Cheese plants thrive in a damp tropical forest. It indicates that the plant flourishes under bright indirect light like that of their natural habitat.
Exposing the plant to direct sunlight will facilitate the formation of brown spots on the leaves and limping. Placing the houseplant in a position that receives filtered sunlight happens to be a real gem.
Also, dim light is not suitable for the Monstera plant since it causes weak stems and drooping of the foliage. Sparse leaves and weak stems may make the plant languish due to malnutrition.
Put the plant near a window to receive bright indirect sunlight. The light allows the plant to undertake photosynthesis effectively and avoid the issue related to malnutrition.
Temperature Stress
Monstera plants are less tolerant of extreme temperature changes. Keeping the houseplant in the region with high temperatures will make the leaves droop and stem to limp.
Cold temperatures also make the Swiss Cheese plant weaken. It is another possible reason behind the limping and drooping of Monstera leaves.
Purchase a digital thermometer to help get the minimum and maximum temperature values in the house. Ensure the environment temperature range from 64oF-84oF (18oC to 29°C).
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Pests and Diseases
Swiss Cheese plant is highly susceptible to pests and diseases. Some of the most common pests are red spider mites and mealybugs.
These insects suck leave sap and make them appear droopy. The issue happens since the nutrients meant to flourish leaves are drained.
The injuries on the leaves also make an entry point for bacterial and fungal infections. These diseases make the leaves to languish and become droopy.
Spraying the plant leaves with reputable houseplant insecticide. The insecticide will kill all those insects and save your plant from drooping leaves.
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Improper Fertilization
Monstera plants usually grow tall in their natural habitat. Growing Swiss Cheese in pots usually limits their growth height. You need to supply the plant with adequate nutrients to foster proper height.
Failure to provide fertilizer to the plant will result in the yellowing of leaves and drooping. It happens since the plant suffers from malnutrition.
Besides that, too much fertilizer will increase the level of toxicity in the soil. The condition inhibits the root tips from functioning and causing the monstera plant to become droopy.
Use general purpose fertilizer during the summer and spring season. Avoid fertilizing your plant in winter since it is a season of dormancy. Repot the plant if the leaves remain drooping despite changing the schedule of fertilizing.
Repotting Shock
Transplanting the Monstera plant to another large container disrupt their growing conditions. The repotting shock usually stresses the plant and result in droopy leaves.
The good news is that transplanting shock lasts for a few days and the plant tends to regain its posture. The best option is watering the plant appropriately to get enough support.
Keep in mind that the houseplant might react badly from transplant shock. But drooping leaves are the most common issue and it can be fixed by exercising ultimate Monstera Plant Care.
Lack of Support
Keeping the plant in an area with limited light will foster phototropism. It is a situation where the plant will start growing towards the light.
The growth makes the plant stem thin and feeble. Provide support to the plant and place the plant in presence of natural light. It is the best way of fixing thin and feeble stems that appear droopy.
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In Conclusion
It can be alarming to see your Monstera plant leaves drooping. But there is no need to freak since most of the issues can be fixed. But examine the houseplant to identify the major cause and use any of the solutions above.
The most crucial problem that causes the leaves of the Monstera plant to droop is lack of water and exposure to bright direct sunlight. Insufficient water in the soil makes the plant wilt and this might kill the houseplant.
We hope the information provided in the article was helpful. Take time to read through each and identify a respective solution to fix your indoor plant.
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