Monsteras are timeless tropical plants for your homestead. The vibrant green colors can make a long-lasting statement in your home. Some of the most popular monsteras are monstera deliciosa and monstera adansonii.
Growing monstera plants is super easy. This tropical plant requires minimal maintenance, and it could be the reason behind its immense popularity. A lot of digital influencers usually flood Pinterest and Instagram with this houseplant.
But monstera leaves turning yellow and drooping is not an uncommon occurrence. Monstera leaf problems are inevitable while cultivating the plant at home. The natural habitat offers a unique growing condition when compared to an indoor environment.
So, why are my monstera leaves turning yellow? Common causes of yellow leaves on the Swiss Cheese Plants are improper watering, lighting issues, low humidity, temperature stress, transplant shock, pests, diseases, fertilizer, old foliage, and a new environment.
Always learn to identify the cause of the leaf problem before strategizing on how to fix it. This article provides a comprehensive insight into monstera leaves turning yellow and some of the quick solutions to consider.
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Causes of Monstera Leaves Turning Yellow and Solutions
The yellowing of monstera leaves is heartbreaking. But there is a need to worry as these issues can be fixed. Below are the common causes of monstera leaves turning yellow:
Improper Watering
Improper soil moisture due to overwatering is the crucial cause of yellow leaves on monstera plants. Many gardeners find it challenging to water their houseplants due to their busy schedules.
Ensure the potting mix of your houseplant is damp and not wet. Monstera plants do not thrive under wet feet. Too much moisture causes root rot, yellow leaves, and even the death of the plant.
Inspect the moisture content of the soil before watering the plant. If 2-3 inches of the topsoil is dry, consider watering the houseplant.
Make sure the water is enough by allowing it to flow via the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot into the saucer. Discard the excess water to prevent the excessive accumulation of moisture.
Reduce the rate of watering your houseplant in water. Allow the soil to dry a little between the waterings. Most plants are dormant during wintertime.
Underwatering is another possible cause of monstera leaves turning yellow. The plant finds it challenging to accumulate essential nutrients and minerals needed for photosynthesis.
Inadequate water supply makes the plant lose the green pigment. The leaves begin to turn yellow and develop brown spots. Providing consistent and proper moisture is crucial in this case.
Low Humidity Level
Monsteras are tropical plants, and they prefer high humidity levels. The gardener needs to ensure the indoor growing condition mimics their natural habitat.
The good news is that most monstera varieties can tolerate indoor humidity levels. But prolonged exposure to low humidity can result in the yellowing of leaves.
Sometimes the low humidity can make monstera leaf tips and edges develop brown patches. Fixing yellow leaves on Swiss Cheese plants due to low humidity is quite easy.
You need to mist the leaves of the plant more often to increase the humidity level. Besides that, you can purchase a humidifier to help increase humidity in the house.
Improper Lighting
Monstera plants are native to tropical areas in South and Central America. These plants flourish under low to bright indirect sunlight.
Placing the plant in bright direct sunlight could scorch the leaves. Besides that, lack of sunlight could make the monstera leaves turn yellow.
Keep in mind that most monstera varieties can tolerate low light. But the plant will experience slow to stunted growth in the long run.
If you notice your monstera leaves turning yellow, consider changing the location of the plant pot. Place the plant in a region where it receives bright indirect sunlight to revive it back.
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Pest Infestations
Most indoor plants are highly susceptible to pest infestations. Monstera plants are not exempted since they are highly affected by these sap-sucking bugs.
Some of the common pests that attack monstera plants are aphids and spider mites. These sap-sucking bugs cause brown spots on the leaves that later turn yellow.
Spider mites are invisible, but the wispy webs happen to be a clear indicator of the plant. Aphids are usually minute white grains on the stems and leaves.
Insect piercing will weaken or exhaust your houseplant. Failure to get rid of pests on monstera plants could lead to yellowing of leaves and stressed stems.
Use a magnifying glass to inspect your houseplant to determine if spider mites and aphids have taken residence. I recommend using an alcohol-based insecticide to treat your houseplant.
Temperature Stress
Swiss Cheese plants come from tropical regions. These tropical plants prefer a temperature range of 65-80 °F (18-27°C). Any temperature change usually ruins the health and well-being of your plant.
When the temperature is below 65oF, the houseplant will experience slow growth. When the temperature drops further to 54oF, the tropical plant experiences stunted growth.
Yellowing of leaves is the first sign of low-temperature exposure, and dropping of leaves is when the temperature is too high.
The best option is to maintain the optimum temperature requirement. It will also help to prevent your monstera leaves from turning yellow.
Transplant Shock
Most houseplants usually suffer from transplant stress. Yellowing of leaves is one of the signs after repotting the plant.
Transplanting the houseplant in summer, different potting soil, and exposing the roots usually stress the plant. You will notice the yellowing and browning of leaves at some point.
The best option is to water the plant and place it in an area that receives bright indirect sunlight. Remember to prune off any dead or dying leaves and avoid applying fertilizer for some months.
Do not disturb a transplanted plant to avoid stressing it further. Frequent transplants might damage your plant in the long run.
Plant Diseases
Several plant diseases can make your monstera plant have yellow leaves. The good news is that most of these diseases are treatable and preventable from recurring.
If you notice your monstera plant has brown spots with yellow margins, it could be due to fungal leaf spots. Fungal diseases are usually transferable via the soil.
I recommend the removal of the affected leaves and avoiding watering the leaves. Besides that, consider using a commercial fungicide to treat the plant.
Powdery mildew is another cause of yellow leaves on monstera plants. But it is less severe when compared to fungal infection. Use a sulfur spray to combat the condition from spreading.
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Improper Fertilization
The Swiss Cheese plants are moderate feeders. Fertilizers provide essential nutrients and minerals that foster proper growth.
But too much or little fertilizer will ruin the health of your houseplant. Excess fertilizer application causes toxic buildup around the roots and later causes yellowing of leaves.
Consider flushing the potting soil with plenty of distilled water to eliminate the excess salt. Provide proper care and avoid fertilizing the plant for the next three months.
Another excellent option is to repot the plant. It will cause additional stress, but it will help the plant to recover from the yellow leaves.
Old Foliage
Some yellowing of monstera leaves is natural and inevitable. All plants grow and become older, where the leaves around the lower region turn yellow and fall off.
Plants usually shed the old yellow leaves to provide more energy and nutrients for new growth. Do not freak out when you notice the bottom leaves of your plant turn yellowing.
Use a sterilized scissor to cut the dying leaves. The plant will later develop more vibrant green leaves in the long run.
New Environment Acclimation
Most monster plants bought online and shipped home usually experience acclimation issues. The houseplant will start drooping leaves due to the new environment.
It should not be a cause of concern since the plant is adjusting to the new environment. Other signs of acclimation are yellowing and dropping of leaves.
Do not repot the plant until it begins to push out new growths. The new foliage will become vibrant green after adjustment to the new environment.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do you fix yellow leaves on Monstera?
Monstera leaves turning yellow can be due to a number of factors. The best solution is to identify the cause and consider a strategy of fixing it. Nutrient deficiency can be resolved by applying a well-balanced and water-soluble fertilizer once a month.
Should I cut the yellow leaves off Monstera?
Yes. But use a sterilized scissor to remove the yellow and brown leaves. Remember to diagnose the leaf problem and consider the best treatment.
Can Yellow Monstera leaves turn green again?
Absolutely. But the gardener needs to detect the problem and fix it as early as possible. Failure to resolve the issue, your monstera leaves will continue turning yellow and never regain the green color.
How do you fix Overwatered Monstera?
First improve the drainage system of the pot. Investigate the root system to identify the presence of root rot. Trim the infected roots and treat with a fungicide. Consider repotting the monstera using a fresh potting mix and container.
Why are my monstera leaves yellowing after repotting?
It is due to transplant shock and stress. But this should not be a cause of concern since the plant will recover with proper care.
Why are my monstera adansonii leaves turning yellow and brown?
Possible causes are direct sunlight, low humidity, plant diseases, extreme temperatures, and more. I recommend identifying the cause and outline tricks on how to fix it.
Why are lower leaves on monstera going yellow?
It is due to an aging issue. Old foliage turning green is a natural process. Plants usually shed old leaves to provide energy and nutrients for the new growths.
Why are my monstera leaves turning yellow in water?
Monstera plants prefer damp soil over wet soil. Too much moisture makes the leaves turn yellow. Water pools make the monstera roots develop root rot that is responsible for the yellowing of leaves.
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In Conclusion
Monstera plants are among the most beautiful and versatile houseplants. These tropical plants are easy to grow and maintain indoors.
Proper nutrition, water and sunlight will foster better growth. Always keep on checking the plant and remove any pests present with commercial insecticides sprays.
Any slight mess will make monstera leaves turn yellow or brown. Fix the cause of yellow leaves on monstera plants as soon as possible to avoid causing the death of the plant.
More Sources and References
- Editor. Monstera Deliciosa Leaf Problems. The University of Connecticut.
- Editor. Monstera Diseases. NC State University.
- Sandra Manson. Yellow Leaves Plant Problem. Illinois Research and Extension.