Why Are the Leaves of My Rhoeo Oyster Turning Yellow?

Rhoeo oyster is the easiest houseplant to grow and maintain. The bright purple and green foliages offer a lasting impression throughout the year. But rhoeo oyster leaves turning yellow can be alarming regardless of an individual experience with houseplants.

So, why are the leaves of my rhoeo oyster turning yellow? Overwatering and inappropriate lighting are the possible causes of yellow rhoeo oyster leaves. Other causes are pest infestation, under-watering, nutritional deficiency, and the natural aging process.

Keep reading this article to learn all you need to know about oyster plant problems. The information will help you identify the exact causes and tips for fixing. I have also shared the leading reasons behind the rhoeo oyster plant leaves turning brown.

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Reasons for Rhoeo Oyster Leaves Turning Yellow


Rhoeo oyster plants can tolerate drought for an extended period. Tradescantia zebrina yellow leaves are due to prolonged exposure to dry soil.

I recommend watering the houseplant once a week during spring and summer. A hydrated rhoeo oyster develops healthy leaves with green surfaces and purple undersides.

Be sure to reduce watering during winter and fall due to the dormancy stage. Besides that, schedule a strict watering regime for your houseplant.

Rhoeo oyster leaves curling and browning are other signs of under-watering. Take the time to inspect the potting soil moisture before watering the plant.

Pests Infestation

Rhoeo oyster plants are more vulnerable to insect infestations. Spider mites, aphids, and scales are the leading pests that attack this houseplant.

These sap-sucking creatures damage the vital tissues on the leaves and even drain the nutrients from the plant. Besides that, they inject venom into the leaves.

Tradescantia zebrina yellow leaves with brown spots are due to the injected poison. It is a sign of the leaves trying to rejuvenate from the piercing.

I recommend creating a neem oil solution and submerging the houseplant. The oil will coat the leaves and suffocate the pests.

Another excellent option is to use an insecticidal soap spray to eradicate the insects. Spray the houseplant for several weeks until there is no sign of tiny creatures on the leaves.


Rhoeo oyster plant thrives in a slightly moist potting medium. A damp environment will encourage fungal growth and root rot issue.

Damaged roots due to rot and other fungal diseases inhibit water uptake. Rhoeo oyster yellow leaves with mushy potting soil are signs of overwatering.

Remove the houseplant from the pot and examine its root systems. Trim the brown patches on the roots with a sterilized hand pruner.

Use a fresh potting soil and container to re-pot the plant. It is the only reputable method for reviving your rhoeo oyster plant.

Water the houseplant when 2-3 inches of the topsoil is dry. Ensure the container has drainage holes at the bottom to get rid of excess water.

Lighting Problem

Rhoeo oyster plant prefers bright indirect sunlight to thrive well. But the houseplant can tolerate low-light conditions for an extended period.

Prolonged exposure to low light will result in rhoeo oyster yellow leaves. Besides that, direct sunlight exposure will cause rhoeo oyster leaves to fade.

I recommend placing the houseplant near a north-facing or east-facing window. Ensure the window has sheer curtains to reduce sunlight intensity.

Another option is to use artificial lights in dark rooms. It is the best compliment for natural light during the winter season. Early morning or late evening sunlight is also the perfect choice.

Sudden Temperature Changes

Rhoeo plants can thrive under a temperature range of 60-85oF. The condition allows the houseplant to develop healthy foliages with striking purple colors.

Sudden indoor temperature change is the reason behind the rhoeo yellow leaves. These temperature fluctuation issues tend to deteriorate the houseplant.

Avoid keeping the plant in cold and hot drafts to prevent oyster yellow leaves problem. Air vents and windowsills are examples of drafty areas.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Rhoeo plants are light feeders when compared to other tropical houseplants. These plants need minimal fertilizer nutrients to foster vegetative growth and stay healthy.

Apply a balanced fertilizer to the potting soil every 3-4 weeks during spring and summer. The striking green foliages with purple undersides are due to proper nourishment.

Oyster plant yellow leaves are signs of nutritional deficiencies. The nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the balanced fertilizer will help to revive the houseplant.

Do not fertilize rhoeo plants during winter due to the dormancy effect. Overfeeding will increase soil toxicity risk. Oyster plant leaves turning brown is a sign of over-fertilization.

Be sure to flush the potting soil every three months to avoid salt buildup. The oyster plant care tip will help prevent brown and yellow leaves in the long run.

Fungal Leaf Spot

Rhoeo plants prefer a warm and humid environment. Many houseplant enthusiasts opt to mist the leaves to increase the humidity around the plant.

Wet leaves in a poorly ventilated room will encourage fungal growth. Fungal leaf spot disease is responsible for the rhoeo oyster yellow leaves.

I recommend an electric humidifier to boost indoor humidity instead of misting the oyster plant foliages. Besides that, place the oyster plant in a well-ventilated room with light.

Use a copper fungicide to treat the fungal disease. Be sure to isolate the houseplant from the other plants to inhibit the spread.

Natural Aging Process

Aging is inevitable among plants and animals. Old leaves on the rhoeo plants are usually yellow, and trimming will help to conserve energy.

There is no need to freak if the lower leaves are turning yellow. The oyster plant will develop new foliages to maintain its appealing appearance.

Transplant Shock

Rhoeo oyster plants are more vulnerable to the root-bound problem. Re-potting the houseplant every year is highly advisable to encourage a stunning outlook.

But rhoeo plants are sensitive when it comes to disruptions. The transplant process might stress the plant in the long run since it is inevitable.

Yellow leaves on rhoeo oyster plants are a sign of transplant shock. Give the plant adequate time to recover from the stress, and the yellow leaves will disappear.

Acclimation Effect

Most plant stores have different growing conditions for your indoor space. The rhoeo oyster plant will deteriorate its structure when coping with the change.

Tradescantia zebrina yellow leaves are an example of deterioration due to sudden changes in growing conditions. Give the plant time to acclimate to the new environment.

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Related Questions

Why Are My Oyster Plant Dying?

Direct sunlight exposure and overwatering are the leading cause of oyster plant death. Other possible causes are extreme temperatures, over-fertilization, and low humidity.

Why Is My Oyster Plant Drooping?

Oyster plant drooping is due to under-watering, direct sunlight exposure, and extreme temperatures. Other causes are low humidity, overwatering, pests, and diseases.

How often do you Water Oyster Plants?

One time in a week since oyster plants do not thrive in a damp environment. The oyster plant may consume more water during summer and spring.

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Final Thoughts

Rhoeo oyster plants come from the warm and humid environment of Central America. These plants grow under the canopy in their native habitat.

Growing and caring for rhoeo oyster plants at home is easy. Every houseplant needs to replicate the native habitat growing conditions at home.

Rhoeo oyster plant yellow leaves are inevitable due to indoor growing condition changes. Use the rhoeo oyster care tips in this article to prevent and revive your plant.

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