Philodendrons are tropical flowering plants that belong to the Araceae family. These tropical plants are native to South America.
Its stunning and large glossy leaves make philodendron plants lovable. Besides that, they are easy to maintain, propagate, and can tolerate indoor growing conditions.
There are about 480 types of philodendron plants. The indoor philodendron types have climbing vines that look beautiful in a hanging basket. Other species grow upright with large split leaves.
The most popular philodendron varieties are heartleaf, velvet-leaf, brasil, and pink prince cultivars. The philodendron white knight is one of the rare philodendron varieties in the world. (Check Best Deals on Amazon).
Philodendron plants thrive in well-drain soil, high humidity, temperature range of 65-85oF, and bright indirect sunlight. Application of fertilizer during growing months is recommendable.
Keep reading this article to find out the 51 most beautiful philodendron varieties in the world today. The information will help you tell the differences between the various philodendron types.
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Types of Philodendron with Names and Pictures
Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron Hederaceum)

The philodendron species has trailing vines that suits hanging baskets and windowsills. It has heart-shaped leaves that grow between two and three inches wide.
But the leaves can grow up to eight inches wide while climbing. Young heartleaf philodendrons have light bronze-toned leaves.
These philodendron climbing varieties are suitable for beginners due to their forgiving nature. They can adapt to a range of light and humidity conditions.
These philodendron species are also sold under names like cordatum, scadens, and oxycardium. Keep in mind that heartleaf philodendron is the most attractive species for indoor space.
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Philodendron ‘Lemon Lime’

The philodendron cultivar has yellow-green foliages. But the species is less popular when compared to the heartleaf philodendron cultivar.
The stunning foliages with trailing vines make the philodendron species look incredible in the hanging basket. The philodendron plant type requires minimal care.
Philodendron lemon-lime is sold under the Golden Goddess name. It is among the most expensive philodendron varieties in the world.
Philodendron ‘Imperial Green’

The green philodendron species have bushy-like features with broad leaves that grow into impressive dimensions. The layer designs create a grand centerpiece in the house or office.
The species is readily available and quite different from variegated philodendrons. It is the perfect choice for beginners and inexperienced houseplant enthusiasts.
Philodendron imperial green loves higher bright indirect sunlight. The light requirement need makes them different from other philodendron types. It is also called the red imperial cultivar.
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Philodendron ‘Prince of Orange’

It is among the few upright philodendron species. The new leaves are orange and usually turn light-green at the maturity stage. The philodendron cultivar is beautiful and fun to grow at home.
The philodendron types usually stay tidy and can grow up to two feet high and wide. The robust nature fosters a minimal philodendron care regime.
The species is readily available and among the most affordable types of philodendron in the market today. The colorful petiole marks a bold statement in any space.
Philodendron ‘Brasil’

It is one of the philodendron lower classifications ignored by many houseplant enthusiasts. But the species is hardy and can tolerate various indoor growing conditions.
Brasil species have lime-green leaves with scattered yellow splotches across them. The vining philodendron looks stunning in a hanging basket.
The species tolerate medium to bright indirect sunlight. Besides that, it is easier to find due to its inexpensive nature.
Philodendron ‘Burle Marx’

The philodendron species have a sturdy and rugged elegance. Burle Marx has paddle-shaped leaves with glossy surfaces and deep lobes.
The leaves undulate down the length with delicate pale veining. This upright philodendron species usually form a festive clump of about two feet high and wide.
Its prolific and hardiness traits make the species excellent as a groundcover in warmer climates. The species is also affordable and variegated philodendron. It is sold under mosaic patterns.
Philodendron Xanadu (Thaumatophyllum Xanadu)

This upright philodendron species tend to please many houseplant enthusiasts. Thanks to its broad and shiny leaves with multiple lobes.
This large philodendron type serves as a landscaping groundcover in warmer climates. The indoor plant loves extra bright indirect sunlight.
The species is easy to maintain due to its hardiness and forgiving nature. Besides that, it can adapt to indoor conditions with tropical interests.
Philodendron Brandtianum

The most popular variegated philodendron has olive-colored leaves with a magnetic pattern along the edges. The silvery bands between the veins make this classic vining philodendron lovable.
These fast-growing philodendron types have trailing veins that look outstanding in a hanging basket and tabletop centerpiece. It usually keeps its variegation in low light conditions.
Philodendron ‘Moonlight’

The broad lime-green leaves allow this philodendron species to make a bold statement in the living lounge or office space. New foliages unfurl yellow color and gradually darken at maturity.
Moonlight thrives in bright indirect sunlight and a proper watering routine. It grows faster and does not need support due to its small size.
It is among the rare philodendron varieties and sold under the Red Moon name. But this rare philodendron is super easy to grow and maintain.
Philodendron Pedatum

It is also known as oakleaf philodendron. It is among the few philodendron climbing varieties with unusual green leaves that change shape at the maturity stage.
Juvenile leaves are small and oval. Mature leaves can grow up to nine inches wide with deep lobes. This evergreen species thrive under a normal philodendron care regime.
The houseplant enthusiast needs to clean the leaves more often to get rid of pests and facilitate healthy breathing. Clean leaves are usually dark green with glossy surfaces.
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Philodendron Micans

The philodendron species has trail vines of heart-shaped leaves with tiny hairs that bring out the tropical iridescent hue. The foliages have different appearances depending on the light hits.
The hues range from dark to green or even bronze color. The juvenile leaves have a reddish underside with a velvety texture. The texture tends to change as the plant matures.
Micans usually look great on the hanging basket in a region with bright indirect sunlight. Ultimate philodendron care makes the species grow faster.
Philodendron Bipennifolium

This large leaf philodendron is an incredible climber. The trippy-looking leaves have a horse-head appearance make it among the overpriced philodendron varieties.
The philodendron species need support to keep it from flopping. It grows moderately fast and needs plenty of space to thrive.
It comes in different color varieties such as yellow-hued Aurea, blue-gray Glaucous, and other variegated forms. The green dragon is the most popular variegated philodendron type.
Philodendron Birkin

The pin-stripe variegation over the dark green background with striking radial patterns helps to identify the species from other philodendron types.
The species mark a bold statement in any setting due to its natural leaf variability. Birk is a low-maintenance philodendron species and it is a perfect option for beginners.
But the philodendron species are more vulnerable to root rot when grown in improper soil drainage. Birkin can be propagated through tissue culture.
Philodendron Hastatum

The species has long and arrowhead-shaped foliages that grow up to nine inches wide. The philodendrons vein can reach up to ten feet long.
The leaves have a grey-green color with a metallic sheen. The philodendron species can be grown in both indoor and outdoor environments.
Hastatum is susceptible to root rot though it needs more water. It is also known as the silver sword philodendron. Other plants that look similar to this species are domesticum and elongatum.
Philodendron ‘Florida Ghost’

It is the most eye-catching or variegated philodendron species. The leaves’ color ranges from a hazy-mottled green to a full-leaf creamy white. The red and rough texture of petiole makes this philodendron species unique.
The variegated philodendron is a shape-shifter species. It tends to change in shape and color as the plant matures. Ghost needs sufficient bright indirect sunlight to thrive.
Florida Ghost is a hybrid of philodendron squamiferum and pedatum. The Alba Beauty is another Ghost strain with broad and deep-green leaves.
Philodendron ‘Green Congo’

The philodendron has stiff, slightly elongated, and heart-shaped leaves that emerge from a central stem. It needs little shaping to form an incredible centerpiece in any setting.
The philodendron cultivar requires minimal care to thrive. It requires a temperature range of 65-85oF. Protect the philodendron from any temperature stress and drafts.
Philodendron ‘Thai Sunrise’

The species has a lime-green background with variable dark green margins on its paddle-shaped leaves. The yellow-colored stem with a red gradient display on the upper end is incredible.
The philodendron cultivar is popular and easy to maintain. It grows from a central jointed trunk and stays compact throughout the year.
Thai sunrise is more expensive than other types of philodendron. It is the perfect choice for tabletop due to its stunning accent.
Philodendron Black Cardinal

The dark foliages on this philodendron cultivar can blow your mind. The large, pointed, and paddle-shaped leaves with deep burgundy to almost black are mind-blowing.
The stems glow red to mark a bold statement in any space. The juvenile leaves have a pinkish hue and tend to darken at maturity.
Black cardinal species are upright philodendrons with thick and bushy growth. The philodendron plant type needs low to medium bright sunlight to flourish.
Philodendron Mayoi

It has perky and multi-lobed leaves with strong stems to resist wind waves. The leaves remain medium-size despite reaching their maturity.
The species is a determined wandered when not supported to climb. The stems can become leggy when grown in a room with little sunlight condition.
The plant doesn’t form a centerpiece in the house. Many houseplant enthusiasts love mayoi due to their minimal care requirements.
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Philodendron Grazielae

This philodendron species has chunky and glossy green leaves. The stems are sturdy to allow this classic vining heartleaf species to make a bold statement.
The vines need support to facilitate faster growth. The centralized growth pattern gives the philodendron a bushy appearance.
The species can tolerate cold temperatures and require minimal care regime. This slow-growing species is gradually becoming popular and worth considering.
Philodendron Gloriosum

The Columbian species have contrasting veins that help to make the heart-shapes more prominent in a space. The velvety foliages can grow up to three feet wide.
The new growth leaves unfurl with delicate pink veins that fade at maturity. The species grow low into the ground due to their creeping rhizomes.
Gloriosum can tolerate cold temperatures and damp environments. The juvenile species look flimsy but become more strong and attractive at maturity.
Philodendron Melanochrysum

It is also known as black gold philodendron. The dark-leaved plant is worth adding to your houseplant collection. The foliages have a deep green color with gold crystalline flecks.
Juvenile melanochrysum species are creeping with small, oval, and reddish leaves. The leaves later turn darker and become velvety at maturity.
Mature melanochrysum are excellent climbers and need support to grow five or more feet tall. It requires more attention and also rare philodendron varieties.
Philodendron ‘Bob Cee’

Bob Cee is a trendy philodendron species with dark-green and deeply lobed leaves. The dark green foliages bring a tropical vibe to the indoor space.
Juvenile foliages have shallow lobes that deepen with maturity to form a pinnate outlook. The leaves can grow up to three feet in length.
The climbing philodendron also has snake center vines that add an extra jungle effect. It is a perfect choice for tabletop.
Philodendron Mamei

This philodendron type usually keeps its attractive and silver leaf colors throughout its lifespan. The leaves are thin, broad, and heart-shaped with semi-glossy surfaces.
The charming ripple texture with vein indention makes this species bring that juggle effect in any space. The large leaves are supported by a single stem and reach 10-18 inches in length.
The species is too easy to grow and maintain. Besides that, it is readily available in many plant stores though they are pricey. You can propagate this species through tissue culture.
Philodendron Martianum

If you are looking to bring tropical vibes to your house, consider philodendron martianum species. Thanks to its succulent and vibrant green foliages with glossy appearances.
The plant needs bright indirect sunlight to grow faster and develop hardy stems. Keep in mind that this philodendron variety is more vulnerable to root rot.
It is also among the rare philodendron varieties in the market. But it brings something different to your indoor plant collection.
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In Conclusion
There are several types of philodendron in the world today. Indoor philodendron varieties are easy to grow and maintain regardless of your experience.
But some philodendron types require more attention than others. Most types of philodendron can tolerate little neglect without becoming fussy.
Philodendron Xanadu is my favorite species (Check Best Deal on Amazon). The broad and shiny leaves with multiple lobes bring out more jungle effects than other philodendron species.
This species can tolerate indoor growing conditions due to its hardiness and forgiving nature. It is inexpensive and easy to find in the market.
If you have experience growing different philodendron types, consider trying out other species listed in this article. Good Luck!